「網球場的路上」這裡精心挑選了世界上關於網球有趣的故事:設計、藝術、時尚、音樂與一點小知識,在「網球場的路上」無論你是網球迷、選手或經過的路人,都會覺得「啊,好有趣呀!」 「網球場的路上」原創商品: 以費德勒、納達爾、喬科維奇、阿卡瑞茲等球星的名言為主題,邀請德國、義大利、瑞典、波蘭、日本等國知名插畫家、藝術家一起合作,推出原創限量獨家的網球商品。 目前我們推出的網球商品有:網球球星名言海報、網球球星名言徽章、網球球星名言明信片套組、網球刺繡行李吊牌、網球球星名言雨傘。 感謝許多朋友的支持與喜愛!喜歡的朋友,隨時可以留言、私訊,加 Line ID:@964pujdj,或 email:tothetenniscourt@gmail.com 歡迎洽詢收藏!
追求突破,Stay hungry
阿卡瑞茲(Carlos Alcaraz)在辛辛那提公開賽男子單打決賽中輸給了喬科維奇。三盤都打到七局。他坐在休息椅子等待頒獎典禮,拿起毛巾遮住臉,大哭了起來。哭著哭著,又笑了。
阿卡瑞茲笑答:「我是西班牙人!」(I am a Spanish)
最近讀到一段話,來自凱文.凱利(Kevin Kelly,科技趨勢大師)寫道:「如果突破可以買到,那麼富人就會買下它們。然而,發明新事物需要的是熱情、堅持、信念和獨創性,這些品質往往是窮人和年輕人大量擁有的。保持渴望(Stay hungry)。」
(賈伯斯著名的 stay hungry,stay foolish,其實源自凱文.凱利)
恭喜喬科維奇!也很高興新的網球世代有阿卡瑞茲和辛納(Jannik Sinner)等,這樣有著正面特質,努力突破自我,熱愛這項運動的年輕選手,非常期待他們的精彩旅程。
Tennis Poster - Every Ball Goes In, Everything Goes Well
Every Ball Goes In, Everything Goes Well
Pablo Picasso once said, "It took me four years to learn to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to learn to paint like a child.”
In addition to collaborating with renowned illustrators worldwide to release limited edition tennis posters, we also enjoy working with young illustrators to see the world through their perspective.
This time, we collaborated with a young illustrator named 圈圈 (8 years old) to create the artwork "Every Ball Goes In, Everything Goes Well.”
圈圈 explained this creation by stating that the gray represents the tennis court, the green is the tennis ball, and the eagle-eye view depicts all the balls going in. The combination of orange handwritten text and a pink background simply and lightly conveys the expectation that things will go well and success will follow.
Limited to just 80 copies, the poster is priced at 280 NTD each. Purchases can be made through bank transfers or PayPal. Feel free to reach out via email (tothetenniscourt@gmail.com) for inquiries and orders.
If you're interested, here are the printing details for this poster:
The poster measures 50x70 cm, fitting well with IKEA frames for easy framing.
The poster comes with an information card featuring the artist's name, artwork title, creation date, and logos for both us and the young illustrator 圈圈. This card adds value, similar to the descriptions found beside artworks in galleries.
Many friends have shown great interest in our small stickers, and this time, the poster will come with extras. In addition to the logo stickers for the young illustrator 圈圈 and ours, there will also be one G sticker and one L sticker from the discontinued Tennis A to Z poster, as shown below.
"Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere." Every person needs opportunities.
We will continue such collaborations, working with world-class illustrators and young illustrators alike to create limited edition tennis posters. We hope that you'll hang up a poster you love, creating a pleasant corner in your life and bringing about a wonderful mood.
Limited to 80 copies, priced at 280 NTD each, the "Every Ball Goes In, Everything Goes Well" poster is ready for collection.
Feel free to contact us for inquiries and acquisitions through messages or email (tothetenniscourt@gmail.com).
If you know someone who might be interested, please share this with them.
Tennis Poster - The Glory Is Being Happy
"The glory is being happy", a quote by Rafael Nadal.
In July 2010, at the age of 24, Rafael Nadal had just secured his second Wimbledon Men's Singles Championship. During an exclusive interview with the prominent American magazine "Sports Illustrated," Nadal was asked to define the concept of glory. His response was as follows:
"The glory is being happy. The glory is not winning here or winning there. The glory is enjoying practicing, enjoy every day, enjoying to work hard, trying to be a better player than before."
More than a decade later, we can still witness that this sentiment remains a steadfast belief for Rafael Nadal.
Inspired by Nadal's words, this summer saw a collaboration with German illustrator Yeye Weller to create the poster "The glory is being happy."
Yeye Weller is a renowned German illustrator with a following of 126,000 on Instagram. You can find his work here: https://www.instagram.com/yeyeweller/
Weller's illustrations have graced The New York Times, Netflix, McDonald's, KFC, Adidas, Warner Music, Adobe, Uniqlo, and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), among others. He has also held solo exhibitions in various European cities. His style features rich and vibrant contrasting colors, consistently depicting joyful smiles. Paired with simple text, his work serves as a reminder of things we know but often overlook, such as "It's nice to be nice," "Keep it kind," "Less work more fun," "Stay fresh," and now, "The glory is being happy."
Limited to 150 copies, the poster is priced at 600 NTD each. Purchases can be made through bank transfers or PayPal. Feel free to reach out via email (tothetenniscourt@gmail.com) for inquiries and orders.
Sized at 50x70 cm, the poster fits IKEA frames perfectly, making framing convenient for your collection.
Accompanying the poster is an information card with the artist's name, artwork title, creation date, and logos for both us and Weller. This card adds value, akin to the descriptions you'd find next to artworks in galleries.
Before mailing, the poster tube will bear our sticker and Yeye Weller's logo sticker (limited quantity). If you're interested, we can include an extra one for you.
"The glory is being happy." Hang this poster to serve as a reminder to enjoy each day with happiness, to embrace hard work and growth.
Our hope is to use art to create a wonderful tennis corner in the lives of those who love the sport. We will continue such collaborations, working with world-class illustrators to create tennis-themed posters.
If you know anyone who might be interested, please consider sharing this poster with them.
20 歲的阿卡瑞茲(Carlos Alcaraz)贏得今年溫布頓男子單打冠軍。贏得了個人第一座溫布頓冠軍,生涯第二座大滿貫單打冠軍。他在決賽中五盤擊敗喬科維奇,新球王名副其實。
網球海報 - 球球都進,事事順利(Every Ball Goes In, Everything Goes Well)
球球都進,事事順利(Every Ball Goes In, Everything Goes Well)