

Andy Murray賽前的10首歌 - Andy Murray's Wimbledon playlist

剛開打的大滿貫賽,休息室裡幾乎有著128位選手,加上教練和訓練員們,那是個很吵很吵的”休息室“。90% 的選手們會帶上耳機,藉由音樂來阻絕周圍的干擾,進入最佳的備戰狀態。贏得今年(2013)溫布頓網球錦標賽冠軍的Andy Murray和媒體分享了他的音樂品味,10首歌曲清單也是今年溫布頓賽前耳機裡的備戰歌曲。對Andy來說,賽前的音樂喜好是要能讓他徹底的放鬆,緩和比賽前緊張與興奮的腎上腺素。聽音樂可以專注,可以保存能量,讓自己在對的時間點完全的準備好,他說。

先聽聽Andy音樂清單裡的第一順位,Longview 的Further。來自英國曼徹斯特的樂團唱著,further further。。。激勵自己前進,更高更遠,發光閃耀。

歌詞:Longview – Further

And the same when autumn comes 
Cold air I breathe in my lungs 
Somethings new but nothings changed 
Familiar feelings just the same 

Soon too the warm air comes by 
Lie back and stare at blue skies 
Thinking back away and from 
When I'll be here and you'll be gone 

Further, further, further, further, 
Further, further, further, further from me 

I think now of summers high 
And reminisce of past times gone by 
Only remembered now in 
Earth, trees the stars that have been there 
And there forever held 
Kept safe but memories never told 
But felt if you went by 
In never changing sky 

And will be gone 

Further, further, further, further, 
Further, further, further, further 
Further, further, further, further, 
Further, further, further, further 

God's love will save our light 
And we'll come shining bright 
God's love will save our sun 
And thy will be done

10首Andy Murray賽前的播放清單(2013):
1. Longview - Further
2. John Mellencamp - Jack & Diane
3. John Mellencamp- Small Town
4. Ed Sheeran - Drunk
5. Ed Sheeran - You Need Me
6. Eminem - You're Never Over
7. Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines
8. Rod Stewart - Maggie May
9. AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long
10. Kid Rock- All Summer Long

