

雙打球王布萊恩兄弟的音樂 - Tennis x music: Autograph by Bryan Brothers

男網雙打天團,美國的布萊恩兄弟(Bob Bryan和Mike Bryan)與音樂人David Baron合組樂團 - The Bryan Bros. Band,展現他們在音樂創作上的才華。The Bryan Bros. Band在四前推出了一首有趣的Rap - Autograph(簽名),找來Novak Djokovic與Andy Murray客串饒舌。有趣的歌詞,描述球星們在幫球迷們簽名時的心情, Autograph歌詞如下: 

Bob Bryan: 
See the little girl with the sharpie in her hand She’s walking my way ignoring her man Waited two hours just to see me move Now give me that pen, and feel the groove Autograph 

Mike Bryan: 
So you got your autograph, now what you gonna do Take it to the beach, or use it at the zoo Or put it on the web to make a little money These autographs, they’re pretty funny Autograph 

Novak Djokovic: 
From Melbourne to Paris, London to New York The fans start flocking when I step off the court My name is the Joker and I sign with a smile Get me some water, I'll be here a while Autograph

Andy Murray: 
During Wimbledon it really gets crazy My hand cramps up and my mind gets hazy I sign and sign but the line doesn't end Wake me up tomorrow and let's do it again Autograph 


